Deathly Harpischord

Deathly Harpischord

To the uncanny dreadful gallows,

My shuffling gait,

Chaotic civilization was breaking down,

This demon witchcraft cult following,

A golden harp making an ominous sound

“String him up, his time is done”,

The boss says

As I listen to my final melodic hum

And they may cut me down now

As my breath goes away

Or face the future wrath of

Me in the afterlife

And the cult’s ultimate doomsday

Five Word Challenge: October 2015

gallows, civilization, demon, cult, harp

Creepy Crawler – A surprise visitor

Huge Cricket or Locust

This huge insect was resting on my front door window today. I’m not sure if it’s a cricket or a locust (locusts don’t usually come singular but in swarms) but it’s at least five times the size of any normal bug. The little pest just waited patiently while I snapped a couple of close up shots, trying my best to get a picture that wasn’t blurry and showed the minute details of the eyes, body, and wings. I’ve never photographed a bug this big before and this well (with a small inexpensive digital camera) so it is interesting to me. This must be the time of year when these winged specimens come around, probably being attracted to the warmth of the house or a certain smell from inside. It’s quite creepy looking. Why it came to this house and not another is a perplexing question. Is it just random or was this bug meant to land on my door on a Monday Labor Day afternoon? There are probably millions of these oversized crocusts (my solution to the cricket/locust identity problem) in the world, but I’ve never seen one until today. Must be fate.



For more close up/macro shots, go here.

For more creepiness, go here.

Halloween Already?

There are many things in this world that send chills down my spine and make my hairs stand on their ends. Those eerie pictures that make me uncertain and nervous as to what’s going to happen in them. Pictures of spines with eyeballs on the end; teddy bears baring giant rows of teeth; toys that sound creepy when their batteries are dying; a Furby with its outer covering removed, leaving a plastic skeleton and two large unnerving eyes. Well, this week and today I found a number of pictures that are satisfyingly creepy in my opinion. Enjoy 😛
The JokerEvil Eye
Dead BirdEvil Eye - Full
Mannequins are creepy…faceless ones are creepier

And the entire brainstem exposed…even creepier if it was moving

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Creepy.”

Radek's issues

Radek is solving programming issues which he encountered at work. Most of them will be in C#, C++, JavaScript and HTML.

This, That, and the Other

Stories, Prompts, and Musings

Dream Retrieve

Enter the dreamscape but beware of what you find

Peace, Love and Patchouli

Mental wanderings amongst stardust

The Gad About Town

All posts copyright 2012–2024 by Mark Aldrich

Crumble Cult

By Tony Single

Annette's place

A woman redefining the undefinable


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Soul n Spirit

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The Falling Thoughts

Poems, Poetry Plus Passion

The Daily Post

The Art and Craft of Blogging

They, You and Me

A bit about life.