The Gold Ones

My ears get to meet new beats.

I just bought a pair of gold colored headphones the other day, which is a first, even if it’s just a cosmetic thing that makes no difference on the sound quality. They sound like dynamite but of course aren’t Bose, which is the standard for great headphones. Most of my headphones either short out in one side or break in half or I accidentally rip the headphone jack from the cord after standing up with the headphones still connected to the computer and over my head.

There’s nothing like listening to some of my favorite songs with a comfortable pair of head-speakers. These are made by Vivitar, a company also known for producing cameras.

Gold Headphones

#NaNoPoblano2016 Day 23Image result for nano poblano

Going for the Gold

Image result for Rio 2016 Olympics Logo
The time has come again
To come together as one

A world celebrating sport
And all the thrill that comes with it
Praise your nation
And make a bold wish
Upon the fiery flames
Roaring from the cauldron
The beginning and the end
The alpha and omega
Of the Olympic dance

Photo 101: Day 11 – Splash of Gold




Like a lot of times on my photographic journey, I set this shot up by placing an object in the scene to create something different when nothing in nature would suffice. Against the white snow backdrop, the gold bag shines greatly and adds a pop of color to an otherwise mundane, boring photograph. As you can see, I experimented with taking my photograph from different distances, resulting in a what looks like an inverted pyramid.


DP (This fits in with the prompt’s title: Golden Key)

Radek's issues

Radek is solving programming issues which he encountered at work. Most of them will be in C#, C++, JavaScript and HTML.

This, That, and the Other

Stories, Prompts, and Musings

Dream Retrieve

Enter the dreamscape but beware of what you find

Peace, Love and Patchouli

Mental wanderings amongst stardust

The Gad About Town

All posts copyright 2012–2024 by Mark Aldrich

Crumble Cult

By Tony Single

Annette's place

A woman redefining the undefinable


YouTube and more

unbolt me

the literary asylum

Soul n Spirit

Seeking happiness in the psalms of life......

The Falling Thoughts

Poems, Poetry Plus Passion

The Daily Post

The Art and Craft of Blogging

They, You and Me

A bit about life.