500 Club


That deserves a dip into the pool.

I finally hit the number on this blog: 500 followers. It took a long time, longer than necessary but here I am now. May not seem like much but it’s still pretty good. What’s the significance? Well, that’s 500 different people who see my words and pictures. 500 people who come across my work and passions and share their interests with me. 501 to be exact. I haven’t been as active on this blog as I was in the past but it’s not like I couldn’t pick it up again and start going good again, if I wasn’t so busy with other things.

Thanks for 500 followers again. Next stop is 1000 but that’s quite a ways off at this point.

Author: Matthy

Welcome to "MatthySun: An Awesome Mind", a place where you will find all sorts of interesting stories, pictures, and advice on life in general.

One thought on “500 Club”

  1. Congratulations! I am not at the 500 mark yet… I need four more? I am not sure what ‘attracts” the follows and what might keep them? For my Writer’s Community, I need 12 more for the first one hundred. I celebrate with you! Hope you are having a great summer.

All thoughts are welcome

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